
long meiFlashMemoryVerify(MEIFlash    flash, 
const char *fileName)
Required Header stdmei.h

FlashMemoryVerify compares actual flash memory to the binary image contained in fileName, or to the flash memory cache (if fileName is Null). Every word of flash memory (including code and data) is compared with the firmware bin file (or cache if the fileName is Null). The firmware version number is contained in flash data memory, so even if the only difference is the firmware version number, flash verification will fail. Flash verification will fail if any word is different.

Return Values
MPIMessageOK if actual flash memory is identical to the binary image in fileName or in cache
MPIMessageNo_Memory if memory allocation error occurred
MPIMessageFILE_OPEN_ERROR if the file (fileName) was not found
MPIMessageFILE_READ_ERROR if an error occurred while reading the file (fileName)
MPIMessageFILE_CLOSE_ERROR if an error occurred whileclosing the file (fileName)
MPIFlashMessageFLASH_READ_ERROR if differences were detected during flash validation
See Also