
long mpiNotifyEventWait(MPINotify      notify, 
MPIEventStatus *status,
MPIWait timeout)
Required Header stdmpi.h

NotifyEventWait sets the contents of the structure pointed to by status, using the status of the first event in the internal FIFO event queue (maintained by a Notify object (notify)), and then removes the first event from the queue. If no event is available in the internal FIFO event queue, NotifyEventWait will wait for timeout milliseconds.

If "timeout" is Then
MPIWaitPOLL (0) NotifyEventWait will not wait for an event to arrive
MPIWaitFOREVER (-1) NotifyEventWait will wait forever for an event to arrive
Return Values
MPIMessageOK if NotifyEventWait successfully sets the contents of the structure pointed to by status, and then removes the first event from the queue
MPIMessageTIMEOUT if no event is present and the contents of status are undefined
See Also