
long mpiNotifyEventWake(MPINotify      notify,
                        MPIEventStatus *status)
Required Header stdmpi.h

NotifyEventWake wakes a thread that is waiting for an event notification from a Notify object (notify). The awakened thread will return from its call to mpiNotifyEventWait(notify, status, timeout) with the contents of status set to the contents of status. If status is NULL, status will indicate an event of type MPIEventTypeNONE.

NotifyEventWake is different from NotifyEvent, because event notification is not accepted based on the event type or source (NotifyEvent); instead event notification is always accepted (NotifyEventWake).

Return Values
MPIMessageOK if NotifyEventWake successfully wakes a thread that is waiting for an event notification from a Notify object
See Also mpiNotifyEventWait | MPIEventType