
long meiPlatformKey(MPIWait wait)
Required Header stdmei.h

PlatformKey returns an input character (typically a keystroke) if an input character is available.
If an input charater is not available, PlatformKey waits wait milliseconds for an input character to become available.

If "wait" is Then
MPIWaitFOREVER (-1) PlatformKey will wait for an input character forever
MPIWaitPOLL (0) PlatformKey will return immediately
a value (not -1 or 0) PlatformKey will wait for an input character for wait milliseconds
Return Values
if no input character was available
PlatformKey has read a non-zero character (typically a function key or other non-ASCII value), and meiPlatformKey(...) should be called AGAIN immediately to receive that non-zero character
a value (not -1 or 0) (an ASCII character)
(typically a keystroke) if an input character is available
See Also