
long mpiEventMgrControlListSet(MPIEventMgr eventMgr,
                               long        controlCount,
                               MPIControl  *controlList)
Required Header stdmpi.h

EventMgrControlListSet creates a list of controlCount Control objects using the Control handles specified by controlList. Any existing motion controller list is completely replaced.

The controlList parameter is the address of an array of controlCount Control handles, or is NULL (if controlCount is equal to zero).

A motion controller list can also be created incrementally (i.e., one Control at a time) by using the append and/or insert methods described in this section. The initial Control of a control list may be specified using the control parameter of mpiEventMgrCreate(...). The list methods in this section can be used to examine and manipulate a motion controller list regardless of how the list was created.

Return Values
MPIMessageOK if EventMgrControlListSet successfully creates a list of Control objects using the Control handles
See Also mpiEventMgrControlListGet