
long mpiMotionStart(MPIMotion       motion,
                    MPIMotionType   type,
                    MPIMotionParams *params)              
Required Header stdmpi.h

MotionStart changes a Motion object (motion) from the idle state (MPIStateIDLE) to the moving state (MPIStateMOVING), by initiating a motion of the given type using the specified parameters (params).If params is Null, then the motion parameters that were set by the most recent call to mpiMotionParamsSet(...) will be used to define the motion.

The coordinate system is defined by the ordered list of Axis object(s) that have been associated with the Motion object (motion). There must be at least one Axis in the coordinate system.

Return Values
MPIMessageOK MotionStart successfully changes a Motion object from the idle state to the moving state
MPIMotionMessageMOVING if MotionStart was called when a Motion is in progress
For more Returns, click here  
See Also mpiMotionParamsSet | MPIState | See diagram on how mpiMotionStart works