Returns for mpiMotionStart and mpiMotionModify

Both mpiMotionStart and mpiMotionModify use motion attributes, which are summarized in the table below.

Return Values - for both mpiMotionStart and MotionModify
MPIMotionMessageERROR if MotionStart is called when the Motion Supervisor is in the error state.
MPIMotionMessageAXIS_COUNT if the motion object has no axes.
MPIMotionMessagePROFILE_ERROR if the Motion profile specified by the parameters cannot be calculated correctly.
MPIMotionMessageATTRIBUTE_INVALID if the specified motion attribute mask is not valid with the motion type.
MPIMessagePARAM_INVALID if the specified motion parameters are not valid with the Motion type.
MPIMessageARG_INVALID if any of the MotionStart arguments are not valid.
MPIMessageUNSUPPORTED if the motion type is not supported by the controller.