Motion Error Codes and Messages
Tips / Fixes
Motion: motion invalid The Motion parameters are incorrect. Recheck them.
0x0d02 (3330) Motion: axis not found The Axis number is invalid.
0x0d03 (3331) Motion: axis count invalid You may be commanding moves on Axes that don't exist, or on zero Axes.
0x0d04 (3332) Motion: type invalid You may have called a motion type that doesn't exist.
0x0d05 (3333) Motion: attribute invalid The value for a motion attribute is wrong.
0x0d06 (3334) Motion: not ready The motion controller is still executing the power-up sequence.
0x0d07 (3335) Motion: MPIStateIDLE No Motion was in progress when mpiMotionModify(...) was called. In order for mpiMotionModify(...) to work, there must be a motion in progress.
0x0d08 (3336) Motion: MPIStateMOVING You may have called mpiMotionStart(...) when a Motion was in progress.
0x0d09 (3337) Motion: MPIStateSTOPPING Indicates that a Stop event is in progress.
0x0d0a (3338) Motion: MPIStateSTOPPING_ERROR Indicates that an E-Stop event is in progress.
0x0d0b (3339) Motion: MPIStateERROR Indicates that an E-Stop or Abort event has occurred. Use mpiMotionAction(MPIActionRESET) to recover.
0x0d0c (3340) Motion: auto-start mpiMotionModify(...) was called with the MPIMotionAttrMaskAUTO_START attribute when the motion state was MPIStateIDLE. In this case, the motion profile is automatically started.
0x0d0d (3341) Motion: profile error The XMP couldn't generate the next set of points. Check the motion parameters and attributes.

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