
long mpiSercosNodeListSet(MPISercos sercos,
                          long      nodeCount,
                          MPINode   *nodeList) 
Required Header stdmpi.h

Using the Node handles specified by nodeList, SercosNodeListSet creates a list of Nodes (length=nodeCount). Any existing Node list of the Sercos object (sercos) is completely replaced.

The nodeList argument is the address of an array of nodeCount Node handles, or is NULL (if nodeCount is equal to zero).

You can also create a Node list incrementally (one Node at a time), by using the mpiNodeListAppend(...) and/or mpiNodeListInsert(...) methods. You can use any mpiNodeList method to examine and manipulate a Node list sequence, regardless of how the the Node list was created.

Return Values
MPIMessageOK if IdnListSet successfully creates the IdnList using the handles in idnArray
See Also mpiSercosNodeListGet