
long mpiRecorderRecordConfig(MPIRecorder           recorder,
                             MPIRecorderRecordType type,
                             long                  count,
                             void                  *handle)
Required Header stdmpi.h

RecorderRecordConfig configures the type (type) of record that a Recorder (recorder) will capture.

If "type" is Then
MPIRecorderRecordTypePOINT count data points will be recorded, and handle points to an array of count controller addresses
MEIRecorderRecordTypeAXIS count records of type MPIRecorderRecordAxis{} will be recorded, and handle points to an array of count Axis handles
MEIRecorderRecordTypeFILTER count records of type MPIRecorderRecordFilter{} will be recorded, and handle points to an array of count Filter handles
Return Values
MPIMessageOK if RecorderRecordConfig successfully configures the type of record that the Recorder will capture
See Also MPIRecorderRecordAxis | MPIRecorderRecordFilter