Command-Line Syntax 5
Firmware/Library Upgrades
Modifying Configuration
Open Issues
XMP Configuration Utility


The examples below use a configuration file with a suffix of ".cfg". The use of this suffix is recommended, but it is not required.

To get RAM configuration of all MPI objects and save to a file:

config get all.cfg

To get flash configuration of all MPI objects and save to a file:

config -flash get all.cfg

To load configuration of all MPI objects from a file and set flash (non-volatile) memory:

config -flash set all.cfg

To get RAM configuration for all axes and save to a file:

config get axes.cfg axis

To get RAM configuration for axis 3 and filter 5 and save to a file:

config get a3f5.cfg axis3 filter5

To load configuration of axis objects from a file and set flash (non-volatile) memory:

config -flash set all.cfg axis

To load configuration of axis objects from a file and set RAM:

config set a3f5.cfg axis

Note that the a3f5.cfg file contains configuration data only for axis3 and filter5, so the only axis that will actually be configured is axis 3. Similarly, while the following defaults to all MPI objects, only axis3 and filter 5 will be configured:

config set a3f5.cfg


To get RAM configuration of the control object and save to a file:

config get control.cfg control


To set RAM configuration to an axis count of 8:

Create file axis.cfg with the following line:

MPIControl Config.axisCount 8

config set axis.cfg control


config set axis.cfg